Corporate compliance and Integrity
As a member of the Mitsui Group, we strive to ensure thorough compliance in order to remain a company that is trusted by society. In addition to complying with laws, regulations, and codes of conduct, we have set out to act in good faith with a spirit of Integrity, a high sense of conscience and character as a company citizen.
Compliance survey

Establishment of the Compliance Committee
- Establishment of committee to develop our compliance system and maintain and improve its effectiveness
Compliance awareness survey conducted
- Compliance awareness surveys of employees, identifying compliance issues and risks, and by using the results of checks of our status, including year-to-year comparisons, to formulate company measures and maintain and improve the work environment
Implementation of various training programs

Harassment training
- Held training for core employees for the purpose of preventing harassment and responding in correct manner to initial situations,
- Implemented efforts to entrench knowledge and awareness, such as viewing training videos and follow-up through tests
Internal control e-Learning developed in-house
- Conducted in-house e-Learning training for managers and core employees with the purpose of strengthening and disseminating internal controls,
- Confirm the level of understanding through tests, conduct detailed analysis, and promote the establishment of knowledge.
"Compliance/Integrity" Work
- Holding group discussions with the participation of executives, employees, and heads of overseas group companies,
- Incubating a sense of ethics among employees through free review of everyday businesses and the workplace environment from the perspectives of compliance and Integrity
Internal Reporting System

Establishment of an internal reporting system
- Designing a system that is easy for all employees to use
- Reporting use status at the Compliance Committee
- Annually disclosed to employees on the company portal site to promote awareness and use of the system
Operation of Direct Messenger (DM)
- In addition to telephone calls, e-mails, letters, etc. as internal reporting methods, a “Direct Messenger" is prepared, that allows users to exchange messages while maintaining anonymity on Web.
Risk Management
In order to carry out sound corporate activities as a member of the Mitsui Group, we strain to identify important risks and take various measures to establish and control a system that can respond instantly to risks.
Risk Management

Corporate risk management using a critical risk management sheet
- Once a year, we conduct a review of the identified important company-wide risks and consider countermeasures.
Risk profiling through workshops
- Regularly hold workshops to analyze and assess the impact and likelihood of risks in corporate management based on internal controls.
Measures against information risk

Management of the protection for personal information
Execution of information-security e-Learning
- Conducted e-Learning training for all employees, incorporating content extracted from up-to-date security information, etc., with the purpose of maintaining and improving the importance and awareness of information security.
- The number of participants in e-Learning training and the results of analysis their understanding are available on the company portal site.
Business continuity risk countermeasures

Establishment and improvement of BCP
- Establishment of a system for responding to contingencies in normal times in preparation for situations that could jeopardize our business continuity and emergency situations.
- Conducted preliminary drills that aim at ascertaining the state of damage in the event of an emergency, promptly disseminating information to related parties, and striving for minimization and early restoration from the damage.
Operation of the safety confirmation system
- Implementation of system-based safety confirmation drills for directors and employees, in order to smoothly confirm the safety of employees in the event of a disaster and maintain business continuity.